
15th of November Bodhi Gallery, London opened its doors to the D.I.Y. Calamari show. Showing Adfuntures new collaboration designer toy (Lefty) with Alex Devol aka Hi-Calorie. Showing various Lefty customs pieces featuring work from 30 international artists.

"Cross My Heart" was my contribution to the show.
Cross My Heart is a little squid mesmerized by love, squidding around all day with a huge smile of happiness on his face. Totally deluded by the fact love will devour him in the process, he keeps crossing his heart, in hope he will wrap his tentacles around the love of his life again.

Meet Moody Rock-it, this little fellow knows how to make you RAWK! This genuine speed demon will use his ultrasound brain to produce such an exploding wave of chaos that all sound surrounding you will instantly overpower you with great force! The elderly have even spoken of Moody Rock-it to be a bad influence on people who RAWK out to his great mind waves as they mistake his rocking mind for that of dark sinister one. This just proves some people just see or hear what they like to don't you think?

For more information about Moody or the Moody Idols exhibition check out www.bovinyl.ca
After Munny Shot in Bristol last year Ryan Coyle of Ik'sentrik told me he wanted to get a tattoo design done by me. He asked me if I could do a design for his back as sort of one of my creatures watching his back.
So I made a design for him with one of my creatures to protect him from all evil that will ever cross his path. (hope it will do its job well ^^)
This is a picture after Ryans first sitting

( Thanks for ur support Ryan! I am honored to be a part of you :) Can't wait to see pictures after ur next session! )

This is my version of See, Hear and Speak no Evil... with a catch.
One day the happy little bunny brothers See, Hear and Speak were having tons of fun, like they always had using their extremely good vision, hearing and vocabulary to help those in need of hearing the truth of things to revoke all evil. A mighty fine team they were. Until this mysterious big sales bunny arrived on the step o their little hole home wearing a funny black hat. The big sales bunny asked them if they were interested in buying one of these black funny hats... The bunny brothers weren't sure about this mysterious big bunny and told him: "Sorry sir, we just are not the hat wearing kinda bunnies". But as all consistent big sale bunnies, leaving the bunny brothers was no option. So he offered them to try them on. What would be the harm in that, was the thought of the bunny brothers... Little did they know that these were no ordinary hats, these were actually evil mind control hats! Made by the big, not caring about anybody but its self bunny, called "LiveOn"! So now as you can guess, See, Hear an Speak have been numbed to see, hear or speak about any evil that could be done to anyone! The only way to get the bunny brothers released from this evil curse is for the world to simultaneously scream "LiveOn" Bunny's name in reverse! Will the world unite to free the bunny brothers!? Will it be possible that one day all evil be revoked again!? Let's hope so!

After touring through The Netherlands and Belgium with the Double Dutch show organized by Outland records this custom 10 inch trexi is now up sale for 450 euro. If you are interrested in purchasing this one of a kind PlaysKewl custom please send an email to PlaysKewl@PlaysKewl.com

Today I was moving some stuff around and found out I still had a few of these fellows laying around. "Bad'ge Ass" the Badger.
The Badger is a paper model created by Sjors Trimbach aka. Brickboy and is great fun to make :D Sjors asked me to do a design on the model for its series 1. So I did and it got printed in a limited run of 25. Which I operantly still hold 10 of. :P
So let me introduce you to this bad piece of paper if you not already know of it's existence.
This is Bad'ge Ass Love Terrorist! With love for all that's sacret to him he bombs the non believers with his faithfull LOVEBOMBS! Violence is the key to love and unity, is what he learned from the wise rulers of his believes, and so he shall conquer for the sake of (in)humanity!

If you would like to adopt a Love Terrorist let me know by sending an email to PlaysKewl@PlaysKewl.com I will sell them for 3,50 euro per piece excl. shipping to strike you with LOVEBOMBS! (and paper cuts!)
This "Happiness All Around" a custom painted 8 inch bunnqee.
"Happiness All Around" is a custom I made on commission for my friend and fan Shakey. I know him from the Octane3 forums and met with him at several art/toy shows and where ever the after party goes, he'll be there with his woman Teese :D We always have a blast!
So when he asked me to make him a custom I knew it was gonna be something good! Happiness all around! So here you go Mr. Shakey! Take good care of this bunnqee ;)

Every print represents a state of mind related to the color of the background and eyes/tongue of the little numbskull. On one of the eyeballs of the numbskull you can also find a little symbol that relates to its state of mind.
These are on display at Ik'sentrik in Frome, UK and are one of a kind prints.
If you are interrested in one of these, they are for sale at £15 each and come with a black wooden frame. Email to PlaysKewl@PlaysKewl.com for more information.
Below here you can find out which color represents which state of mind.

Left to right: Full Of Sorrow, Full Of Force, Full Of Sh*t

Left to right: Full Of Hurt*, Full Of Gloom, Full Of Envy

Left to right: Full Of Action, Full Of Greed, Full Of Passion*
Prints marked with * have been sold.

I was recently asked to custom a Darth Vader helmet for a project presented by DKE Toys and Masters Replica. The Vader Project features 75 1:1 scale Darth Vader helmets customized by a who's who of lowbrow, graffiti, and designer toy artists from around the globe. The touring show had its debut at Star Wars Celebration IV held from May 24th till the 28th at the Los Angeles Convention Center. This show is now traveling over Europe.
My contribution to The Vader Project is called "Scarred Mind" and is my way of saying everybody has a bit of Vader inside, scarred by the past cutting away on the inside. Every one of us having our own special way of "not showing it" to the outside. But god do you wish you could just rip it out so it would escape you and never come back. Either that or......JOIN THE DARKSIDE!
Other artist that have contributed to this show
Troy Alders Kii Arens Attaboy Anthony Ausgang Axis Aye Jay Gary Baseman
Andrew Bell Tim Biskup Andrew Brandou Buff Monster
Mister Cartoon Mr Clement Steven Daily Dalek Cam de Leon
Bob Dob Marc Ecko Eelus Ron English FERG
David Flores Brian Flynn Hybrid Design Paul Frank Sunich Huck Gee
Fawn Gehweiler Mike Giant Joe Hahn Derek Hess Jeremyville
Sun-MinKim & David Horvath Jim Koch Frank Kozik David S. Krys DSK Designs
Peter Kuper Wade Lageose Lageose Design Joe Ledbetter Simone Legno Tokidoki
Mad Bill McMullen Melvins Brian Morris Niagara Mitch O’Connell olive47
Estevan Oriol Alex Pardee The Pizz Plastic God Playskewl Dave Pressler
J. Otto Seibold Shag Sket-One Shawn Smith Winston Smith Jeff Soto
Bwana Spoons Jophen Stein Suckadelic Cameron Tiede
Touma UrbanMedium Michelle Valigura VanBeater Amanda Visell
Check out www.thevaderproject.com for more news on this show

Some time ago the lovely people from clutter magazine approached me and ask me if I was interested doing an interview for their magazine and do a design for their magazines tenth issue backcover. Of course I was interested because Clutter magazine RAWKS!
What else to find in this issue of clutter:
:: Frontcover designed by Jeff Soto
:: Cover art by Jeff Soto + Interview
:: SP:UK
:: Nonpermanent
:: The Munny Shot!
:: Jason Siu
:: How to get your Toy produced
:: Unkl
:: Bwana Spoons
:: Evil Ink
:: Gentle Giant
:: October Toys/Toy Break
:: The Gospel of 12" figures

So go get your issue at www.clutter magazine.com! If you don't know this magazine get all issues they have great interviews, news about the newest toys and all designer & designer toy related articles and great to catch up on some designer toy history.

Each of these prints are limited to 40 pieces, screenprinted in 4 colors, measuring 13" x 19" Holding metallic inks! Vibrant, Clean and Shiny! They are for sale at £35 each or available as a set for £100. If you are interrested in buying one of these prints or a set send an email to PlaysKewl@PlaysKewl.com
Closer look at design and tittles.
Heart Attack
Heart Attack is about wanting something so bad and not being able to get it, that it making your heart hurt so much that it feels like it will pop out of your chest. There by showing that you really have heart for the thing you long for the most.

Printed with Black, Red, Dark Metallic red and Silver inks.
Cruise Control
Cruise Control is that numbness that comes over you when your mind errors on overload of emotions and thought. Paralyzing every feeling and sense in you, turning you into a mindless zombie that is controlled by stupidity.

Printed with Black, Gold, Dark Metallic Silver and Silver inks.
Chase Down
Chase Down kinda tells that what ever feeling or thought you run from will hunt you down where ever you go unless you find peace with those feelings or thoughts. There is no sense in running from something that is still attached to you.

Printed with Black, Dark Metallic red, Dark Metallic Silver and Silver inks.
This are 3 custom painted, custom shaped sevenply maple skatedecks I made for the Higher Court show in Bristol, UK March 2007.

These decks are hand and spray painted. Each of them are one of a kind and sell for £150 each or for £400 as a set. If you are interested you can send an email to PlaysKewl@PlaysKewl.com