"Cross My Heart"

15th of November Bodhi Gallery, London opened its doors to the D.I.Y. Calamari show. Showing Adfuntures new collaboration designer toy (Lefty) with Alex Devol aka Hi-Calorie. Showing various Lefty customs pieces featuring work from 30 international artists.

"Cross My Heart" was my contribution to the show.
Cross My Heart is a little squid mesmerized by love, squidding around all day with a huge smile of happiness on his face. Totally deluded by the fact love will devour him in the process, he keeps crossing his heart, in hope he will wrap his tentacles around the love of his life again.


15th of November Bodhi Gallery, London opened its doors to the D.I.Y. Calamari show. Showing Adfuntures new collaboration designer toy (Lefty) with Alex Devol aka Hi-Calorie. Showing various Lefty customs pieces featuring work from 30 international artists.

"Cross My Heart" was my contribution to the show.
Cross My Heart is a little squid mesmerized by love, squidding around all day with a huge smile of happiness on his face. Totally deluded by the fact love will devour him in the process, he keeps crossing his heart, in hope he will wrap his tentacles around the love of his life again.